Deep in the Amazon rainforest, the indigenous communities of the Juruá River have been living a life in balance with nature for Millennials. Now, faced with the destructive forces of our modern world, they are striving to preserve one of the last paradise on planet Earth: Arapaima, the iconic fish from the Amazon, brings them hope: A community-based Fair Trade program safeguards sustainable harvesting of fish, supporting the conservation of the rainforest and providing livelihoods for the communities. Our Arapaima not only comes with a unique story of impact, but it delivers a super versatile and tender fish that can be prepared in many different styles and for many different cuisines!

Our Arapaima has been caught and manufactured according to the standards of Fair Trade USA.
Arapaima gigas
Gill Nets (EU Code: GN)
Juruá River Forest Lakes, Amazon, Brazil (FAO 03)
Small-scale | Indigenous Communities
Ocean Impact Tracker
When you serve the ocean, transparency isn’t scary – it’s expected! Blueyou’s ocean impact team works tirelessly to measure and improve the environmental, social, and animal welfare conditions of our seafood origins. Check out the impact and footprint of this product and learn which areas still need improvement. We’ll keep improving, so join our mission to be part of the change!